How long does it take to install solar panels on a roof?

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How long does it take to install solar panels on a roof?

Considered among the region’s sunniest states, Arizona is known as the Persian Gulf of Solar Energy. It has become an attractive hotspot for people to install solar panels, as people are eyeing to save up on their electricity bills.

After you decide to go solar, you may wish to know the time taken to install solar panels on the roof. So here, we’ll be looking at the major steps involved in the solar panel installation process and how they contribute to the speed of the project.

So, let’s dive right in.

What time it takes at every step in Solar Installation Process

1. Finding a Solar Installer:

You may dream of having a solar panel installed for months or years, but your initial step to turning your dream into reality will be selecting the best solar roofing services or solar installer.

This step demands good research and if you choose an inexperienced company, you could come to regret that choice.

2. Site Assessment:

Once you’re done choosing your solar roofing company in Arizona, a representative from that company will come out to your house to assess your home’s needs and evaluate your property.

During the site visit, the professional will look at things. He will audit roof angle, the general condition of the roof, any shading concerns with your roof, and so on. He will make sure your roof can tolerate the weight of the panel and your electric system can handle the quantity of energy you want to produce.

This site assessment step may take 1-2 weeks. During this time, the customer and company generally agree on a price.

3. Local Permitting:

Like any other construction project, you have to get the right permits from your local government for the installation of solar panels. For many people, this may feel like a waste of time, however, building permits guarantee that your installer performs work that meets local building code and ensures your safety.

Permitting requirements to depend on the place you live. Some cities require very strict permits, while some don’t. Luckily, you aren’t supposed to personally do all this paperwork yourself. Your installer will manage all the forms and just ask you to sign.

The time duration for this step will depend totally on how well your local civil servants are. In many areas, permits are provided in a matter of days. While in others, it can take weeks or even months. Due to this dependency on bureaucracy, this step can take anywhere from 3-6 weeks.

4. The Installation:

So now that your permits have come through, you’re all set to go. Here comes the quickest and undoubtedly the most significant step, the installation. Normally, a solar company can install the solar system in only a few days but if you own a smaller home or ordered a smaller solar power system, the process may be completed in a single day.

5. Inspection:

Even though after the installations of solar panels, you still have to wait before you can begin generating power. For ensuring that the solar panels were installed accurately and up to the code, a local inspector will visit the site. While this step may be irritating for some, it’s necessary for the safety of the system.

Depending on how far the place you live is and how quickly the inspector comes, this step can take up to 1 week.

6. Utility Connection:

This is the last step where the solar company files an application with your utility company to get them to flip the switch to connect your system. This usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.

So, from the initial step of selecting a solar installation company to the step when the system finally starts producing energy, it can take between 2-3 months on average.

Best solar installation company in Arizona

We hope you got the answer to the time taken to install solar panels on the roof. We suggest going for the right solar installation company to expedite the whole process. At Crystal roofing, we provide you the best possible service for all your solar needs.

Our belief in delivering exceptional services to every client has helped us build a formidable client base in the region. Our installation is fast and you get the most affordable and energy-efficient solar services. Looking forward to associating with you!

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